Products > Solved Wireless Threads

How to Recover - WZR-HP-G450H - Firmware Change - Red DIAG Flashing Twice


Hello Guys !
I'm looking for help to recover my WZR-HP-G450H from a bad firmware change.

I was using the "DD-WRT r26446 Firmware", but I was unhappy with the stability of this firmware.  -

I tried to reverse it to the Buffalo Professional Firmware, but it didn't work. So I tried other ways to revert the router to the factory firmware.
But it didn't work well for me and now I am left with a bricked router - Solid Green POWER light + Flashing Twice Red DIAG light.

I found this Serial Port Recovering Guide -
If everything goes well I'll have a OpenWrt firmware working on my router.
And yet again I'll have to find a way to restore it to the stock firmware.

If anyone knows of ways to Recover a Bricked WZR-HP-G450H to the Buffalo stock firmware, please let me know ?

"Sorry for my bad English"


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