General > Idea Exchange Discussion - for Idea Exchange comments

For discussions about the threads in the Idea Exchange Lounge - This board is only for adding more information about the Idea you posted in the Idea Exchange Lounge.


Here -  if you want to comment or discuss the ideas - add your own knowledge to the ideas - refine the ideas - this is the place to do it.Post anything else, and we will move it to the correct Board.

Is there an EASY way to quote and link back to messages in the Idea Exchange Lounge??  It was a royal PITA to do it for the MAC address post I just commented on.   Trying to cut and paste got me into HTML issues.   I finally pasted the message body (including the quoted part) into a pure text editor to "wash" the HTML from the thing.  Then I was able to paste it into the new message, but had to relink to the post and poster.  :smileysad: Might I suggest that mods add links from Idea Exchange Lounge posts to discussion threads, should they appear.  :smileywink: Cheers! 

just add a comment to your suggestion, stating that clarification is in a post in the Idea Exchange Discussion Board, and leave the name of the post.  If other people start commenting on the actual suggestion, we lock the thread, so the suggestion doesn't end up with more than one suggestion in the post.


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