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Products => Storage => : cr1m February 12, 2019, 12:48:55 AM

: Buffalo TS-RXLAFE email with ssl dowsnt working
: cr1m February 12, 2019, 12:48:55 AM
Hello, we using buffalo TS-RXL NAS server with 1.72 firmware. If we sets email-notifications with accout of office365, we see that errors:

Feb 12 07:38:19 TS-RXLAFE sSMTP[13854]: Unable to set portno="587"
Feb 12 07:38:19 TS-RXLAFE sSMTP[13854]: Unable to set AuthType="SSL"
Feb 12 07:38:19 TS-RXLAFE sSMTP[13854]: Creating SSL connection to host
Feb 12 07:38:19 TS-RXLAFE sSMTP[13854]: Cannot open smtp.office365.com:587

But I see access with email-server

root@TS-RXLAFE:~# telnet smtp.office365.com 587
220 HE1PR0102CA0019.outlook.office365.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 12 Feb 2019 06:33:56 +0000
: Re: Buffalo TS-RXLAFE email with ssl dowsnt working
: 1000001101000 February 12, 2019, 08:59:12 AM
I wonder if there is a more verbose log somewhere, or one that can be enabled. My first thought would be the usual username/password type issues.

My next guess would be that the ssl configuration for that devices firmware is old enough that it either does't support modern sha256 certs and is rejecting office365's as a result or doesn't support any ciphers modern enough for office365 to accept. That's just a guess though.

if we were talking about a web browser I'd say go to:

and see what your setup supports, but I don't know if that would work in this case. You could try pulling it with wget/curl but I don't know if that would succeed and even if it did I don't know if it would be using the same ssl setup as the main program.