Buffalo Forums

Products => Wireless => : gaugustin June 20, 2011, 09:15:05 AM

: Peering a WHR-HP-G300N router with a WLE-HG-DYG Outdoor Antenna
: gaugustin June 20, 2011, 09:15:05 AM

Would like to know if it possible to connect a WHR-HP-G300N? AirStation™ High Power N300 Wireless Router & AP? with a WLE-HG-DYG 14 dBi High Gain Outdoor Directional Antenna?.  If not, please suggest another router/outdoor antenna option.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...

: Re: Peering a WHR-HP-G300N router with a WLE-HG-DYG Outdoor Antenna
: Jotin June 23, 2011, 09:24:21 AM

It should work because it comes with the pigtail adapter.