Author Topic: One-To-One NATing Problem  (Read 2773 times)


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 1
One-To-One NATing Problem
« on: January 03, 2013, 08:16:34 PM »

Hi All,


I recently purchased a Buffalo WZR-600DHP model router. I have 5 static IPs and am attempting to setup One-to-One NATing.


I had One-to-One NATing setup on my previous DD-WRT router (Linksys E4200). I took the text from my startup and firewall scripts on my previous Linksys router running DD-WRT (text below) and placed them into my new Buffalo router with DD-WRT pre-installed. 


After testing I found the specific command that breaks it...I discovered that the following command in the script causes the mentioned internal IP to not have internet access any further.


iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s [Internal-IP] -j SNAT --to [Public-IP]


Systems not mentioned in the one-to-one NATing do not have this problem and continue to function with internet access.


For testing purposes I have tried limiting the script down to just one IP to NAT on one system. Below is a sample of those commands:


ifconfig $WANIF:1 [Public-IP] netmask [Mask] broadcast [Broadcast]
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d [Public-IP] -j DNAT --to [Internal-IP]

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s [Internal-IP] -j SNAT --to [Public-IP]


Product Info:

-Model: WZR-600DHP

-Firmware of Buffalo: DD-WRT v24SP2-MULTI (11/04/12) std - build 20180

-Firmware of old Linksys on DD-WRT where this is working: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (12/12/11) big - build 18000

-ISP: Comcast


Thanks in advance!