Author Topic: DATA SIM in an older Turbo G?  (Read 4398 times)


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 2
DATA SIM in an older Turbo G?
« on: October 28, 2020, 05:41:45 PM »
Hi All.
I have a trusty old Turbo G AirStation WIFI router that always used broadband. But because my building is only wired for 54 Mb (which we NEVER get...) we wanted to try to go the Data SIM route. Of course, we'd rather not shell out for a new SIM to WIFI router, so, the question is: Is there any way to run a Data SIM off of a ten year old Turbo G Airstation? Any type of adapter that holds the SIM but connects to the WAN port? All I see online are SIM to USB devices. Thanks! Jeff