Author Topic: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL  (Read 6333 times)


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 10
Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:54:14 AM »

I bought 75 500 GB Linkstation Pro's for backing up our locations.  I've had an extremely annoying problem on every one of them and am wondering if anyone else has this same issue.  I was hoping it was unique to just one of them, but every single unit I've set up does the same thing.


After performing a couple tasks through the web interface, I get kicked off when trying to save something such as a new user or a new share.  Then it displays the following message:



Either the session has been disabled or reached a timeout. Therefore please re-confirm the User Name and Password.


At which time I've got to sign back into the drive again.  I can then enter maybe one or two more things before getting kicked off again.


You can imagine my frustration at having to set up over 700 users on 75 different drives when I get kicked off after almost every other task.  The worst part is it doesn't save what I just entered in, so the latest item has to be re-entered.


In order to save my sanity, I put together a batch of AutoHotkey scripts that completely automates the setup and adding of users to the drives.  Just give the script a text file of names and it adds in the users and shares automatically, logging off and on between each user with no intervention needed on my part.


The scripts allowed me to get around the problem, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having this same issue.  I contacted Buffalo tech support, but they didn't seem too concerned.


Also, if anyone is interested in the scripts, let me know.  I could post them on here.  They made my life much easier.




  • Big Bull
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  • Posts: 1223
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 10:21:05 AM »
Buffalo has made a lot of changes in the firmware I would get the latest North American firmware.  Also if you could post the scripts you have we would be interested it keeping it online.


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 10
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2008, 04:35:35 PM »

Hopefully I can explain this in a way that makes sense. :)  Because of the problems I've had with the LinkStation logging me off all the time and because of the large number of users I needed to add, I wrote some scripts using AutoHotkey (can be downloaded for free from to automate the process.  This is the breakdown of the main script:


1.  Open a window asking for the IP address of the drive
2.  Write out a .bat file that the user will use to backup their computer
3.  Add in a new user
4.  Log off the LinkStation and sign back in
5.  Add in a new share for the user
6.  Log off the LinkStation and sign back in
7.  Repeat back to 2 until all users added


The list of users are in a text file called names.txt.  Our usernames are in the format FirstName_LastName in Active Directory, so the text file just has the person's first and last name.  The script will combine them together into FirstName_LastName for the username and uses the first letter of the first name and the complete last name for the share name.


We use robocopy for backing up the computers.  It's fast, small (just one executable file needed) and reliable.  It ships with Vista and can be downloaded from Microsoft for free for 2000 and XP.  When the script runs, it creates a .bat file for the user to backup their computer.  Here's a sample .bat file that would back up the Desktop, Favorites and My Documents on a pc:


if exist \\\FLastName goto backup

goto error

robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings\FirstName_LastName\Desktop"
\\\FLastName\backup\Desktop /fft /eta /mir /r:0 /w:0
robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings\FirstName_LastName\Favorites"
\\\FLastName\backup\Favorites /fft /eta /mir /r:0 /w:0
robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings\FirstName_LastName\My Documents" "
\\\FLastName\backup\My Documents" /fft /eta /mir /r:0 /w:0
goto end

rem     =============================================================
rem   //                                                             \\
rem   ||             WARNING!!  Backup Drive Not Found               ||
rem   ||                                                             ||
rem   ||  Make sure drive is plugged in and turned on and try again  ||
rem   \\                                                             //
rem     =============================================================
rem   Drive IP:



The remainder of the script adds a new user and a shared directory for them.  I tried to comment the code fairly well so you get an idea of what it's doing.  AutoHotkey is a really easy scripting language to learn.  I had never used it before this project and wrote the script below after just a little messing around.


I tried to keep it as generic as possible, but you'll probably need to do some fine tuning depending on your situation, especially the format of your usernames.  You may need to adjust some of the Sleep commands if you find it's not pausing long enough between commands.  Also, some of the commands below send {TAB}'s to get to a certain place on the screen.  You may need more or fewer {TAB}'s depending on your web browser and what toolbars you have.  There's also a few commands that click specific buttons on the screen.  I couldn't find a way to select the LinkStation menu buttons on the left of the screen with keystrokes only, so you may need to adjust the x,y coordinates of the clicks according to your web browser (AutoHotkey comes with a program called AutoIt3 Window Spy that makes it really simple to determine coordinates).


Hopefully that will be enough to get you going.  It may seem a little daunting at first, but once you get used to some of the basic AutoHotkey commands, it's pretty simple.  If anyone tries this and gets stuck, post a message on here and I'll try and help you out.


Everything below gets copied into a script file with a .ahk extension:


;Display window that asks for IP address
InputBox, IP, IP, Enter IP:


;Read in names, one at a time, from names.txt
FileRead, BackupFile, Names.txt


Loop, Parse, BackupFile, `n, `r


Name = %A_LoopField%


;Put first and last name into separate variables
StringSplit, NameArray, Name, %A_Space%
FirstName = %NameArray1%
LastName = %NameArray2%


;Convert username to lower case
UserName = %FirstName%_%LastName%
StringLower, UserName, UserName


;Make share name on LinkStation from username
StringLeft, FirstLetter, FirstName, 1
ShareName = %FirstLetter%%LastName%


;Write .bat file that copies files to backup drive
Run, Notepad
WinWait, Untitled,
IfWinNotActive, Untitled, , WinActivate, Untitled,
WinWaitActive, Untitled


Send, if exist \\%IP%\%ShareName% goto backup{ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, goto error{ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, :backup{ENTER}
Send, robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Desktop" \\%IP%\%ShareName%\backup\Desktop /fft /eta /mir /r:0 /w:0{ENTER}
Send, robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Favorites" \\%IP%\%ShareName%\backup\Favorites /fft /eta /mir /r:0 /w:0{ENTER}
Send, robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\My Documents" "\\%IP%\%ShareName%\backup\My Documents" /fft /eta /mir /r:0 /w:0{ENTER}
Send, goto end{ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, :error{ENTER}
Send, cd\{ENTER}
Send, cls{ENTER}
Send, rem{ENTER}
Send, rem     ============================================================={ENTER}
Send, rem   //                                                             \\{ENTER}
Send, rem   ||             WARNING{!}{!}  Backup Drive Not Found               ||{ENTER}
Send, rem   ||                                                             ||{ENTER}
Send, rem   ||  Make sure drive is plugged in and turned on and try again  ||{ENTER}
Send, rem   \\                                                             //{ENTER}
Send, rem     ============================================================={ENTER}
Send, rem{ENTER}
Send, rem   Drive IP:  %IP%{ENTER}
Send, pause{ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, :end


Send, !fa


WinWaitActive, Save As


Send, c:\LinkStation\%FirstName% %LastName%.bat{ENTER}
Send, !fx


;Active the web brower.  Need to be logged into the LinkStation before running script
WinWait, LinkStation,
IfWinNotActive, LinkStation, , WinActivate, LinkStation,
WinWaitActive, LinkStation


;Click on User Management
MouseClick, left, 135, 412

Sleep, 1000
StatusBarWait, Done


;Scroll to buttom of screen
Loop 15{
Send, {PgDn}
Sleep, 100


;Hit Add Local User button
Sleep, 1000
StatusBarWait, Done


;Select User Name box
Sleep, 500


Send, %UserName%{TAB}a{TAB}a{TAB}%Name%{TAB}{ENTER}
Sleep, 1000
StatusBarWait, Done


;Click Logout button
MouseClick, left,  135,  527
StatusBarWait, Done
Sleep, 7000


;Log back on
Send, admin{TAB}password{TAB}{ENTER}
StatusBarWait, Done
Sleep, 3000


;Click Shared Folders
MouseClick, left,  135,  347
Sleep, 500


;Scroll to bottom of page
Loop 15{
Send, {PgDn}
Sleep, 100


;Hit Add button
Sleep, 1000
StatusBarWait, Done


;Select Shared Folder Name box
Sleep, 500


;Select desired options for share
;This particular string of keystrokes will put in the shared folder name and descritpion, uncheck the Apple Shared Folder Support (leaving just Windows), disable the Recyle Bin, enable Access Restrictions, give Group Read/Write access to a group called LocalAdmin that I created and give User Read/Write access to the most recently added user


;Wait for changes to save
StatusBarWait, Waiting for
Sleep, 1000
StatusBarWait, Done
Sleep, 500


;Click Logout button
MouseClick, left,  135,  590
StatusBarWait, Done
Sleep, 7000


;Log back on
Send, admin{TAB}password{TAB}{ENTER}


  • Calf
  • *
  • Posts: 4
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 08:24:40 PM »

I am running the latest firmware on an HS-DHGL1000 and am having the same problem except that I am prompted to re-login at every page. Upon logging in I am taken back to the "Home" page. As a result I am unable to do any administration whatsoever. Is there a solution to this problem?





  • Big Bull
  • *****
  • Posts: 1223
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 11:05:50 AM »
Try to map it via IP and not name.


  • Big Bull
  • *****
  • Posts: 1223
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 11:09:04 AM »


I will look into this over the weekend, I will also pass this around to some other people to see if they see an issue with it.





  • Calf
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  • Posts: 4
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 07:25:27 PM »


Thanks for the reply. I have tried both ways. I am on the road now and can access the LinkStation remotely via my domain name. I have also tried connecting to the network via VPN and accessing using the local IP. Same result either way.



Message Edited by spoonbow on 10-28-2008 07:27 PM


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 4
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2009, 06:03:43 AM »
   Did you ever get a solution to the problem - I am experiencing exactly the same issue on a Buffalo Model: LS-1000GL-EU.


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 4
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2009, 07:56:36 AM »

I haven't been having problems as of late, but I can't tell you exactly how I solved the problem. It certainly was not because I received any sort of useful information from the nonexistent "tech support" here at Buffalo! What I can tell you is that after reinstalling the firmware more than a dozen times, the box finally started behaving somewhat better. I very rarely get the never-ending requests for login now. What I have done is;

  • Put the drive on a UPS. This box really hates improper shutdowns, including power outages. Remember that for all intents and purposes this is a PC running Linux and it's easy to whack the file system.
  • Whenever possible, use the web admin interface to shut down the drive. I hardly ever shut down for fear that the $%^@ thing won't start up again, but when I do I always use the admin interface as opposed to the power button. Pressing and holding the power button is supposed to initiate a proper shut down, but I have had problems with failure of the subsequent boot. So unless the box is unresponsive, use the browser interface.
  • Don't mess with it. I can't get the proper time setting to stay configured. Ditto with the character set. There are a number of other quirks and config problems that I have had to learn to live with. Seems like the more you try to get this fine product to behave the way you want it to, the more likely it is that it will stop operating entirely.


It's slow, it's noisy, it's unreliable, and there's not a darn thing you can do about it and Buffalo doesn't seem to have any inclination to update the firmware. I have long since replaced this product with one from another manufacturer and now use the Link Station exclusively for storing non-critical, frequently backed up data.


Good Luck!



  • Calf
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  • Posts: 4
Re: Re-confirm password on LS-500GL
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2009, 08:09:01 AM »



Thanks for the quick response. As you suggest Buffalo tech support leaves a lot to be desired!. We too have had the character set thing, the time problem and reboot weirdness.


Unfortunatley we are in a position where we have to use several 1TB Buffalo NAS boxes for data backups - i.e. fairly critical data! I'm a little reluctant to start doing firmware upgrades , besides which the latest one available for the LS-1000GL-EU model appears to be from 2008. The drive I'm having the problem with was only purchased a couple of months ago.


I can still access the data on the drive via a UNC path, so I might copy it off elsewhere and try a factory reset of the device.


Unless of course someone from Buffalo finally decides they will reply to my support request.....