Product Feature Requests > Feature Requests for TeraStation or LinkStation

LS500 please give back access to the admin group


lost is the admin
sent on a journey afar
he longs for home

In the LS520, the firmware took away the ability to add another admin, I would like to restore the ability to add a new user to the admin group.

Since the first buffalo linkstations I ever used (2007ish I would say), I have always made a user account with a standardized password for my admin use, in addition to the built-in admin account. I started doing this after the first time I lost the admin password, probably 6mo after the first deployment, I recognized how rough that would have been years later. In the last decade I have used that additional admin account to recover lost admin accounts for my managed clients probably a dozen times. I am talking about a hundred linkstation and terastation over the last ten years, they are a safety net at a minimum but even a primary file server... I have often compared the likes of qnap and synology and just felt comfortable with a Buffalo.

Now, I get a new shiny ls500, go through the process of setting it up for a client, and find out I cannot make a new user part of the admin group. I try new firmware, scour the web, only to chat with support to find out it is not possible and will not be possible. I cannot fathom why after so long it was decided that this should not be allowed, but I am not a dev, I assume this should be a fairly simple thing to carry over. I would think if a fraction of the time it takes to setup an itunes server (does anyone use itunes anymore?) that this could be put back. So, puhleeze put it back, restore my faith.

Agree completely. i add the office manager to the admin group to make sure i have someone in-house that can access all folders, mainly for backup of everything on the NAS!
i actually find that after using an LS220 for several years the new firmware and access to the LS520 to be less intuitive and more cumbersome!


--- Quote ---So, puhleeze put it back, restore my faith
--- End quote ---

sorry to hear!

but with buffalo my faith is gone. 3 x TS5800DN here! amazing how in plain 2018, we still have this kind of support!

Only Synology for me from now on.

Sorry to hear Buffalo!

ps: and sorry to enter you post :/


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