Author Topic: Buffalo LT-V100 Link Theatre Fix MKVs that do not display picture  (Read 4849 times)


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 2

I have the LT-V100 LinkTheater and this problem was driving me crazy.  The player works very well on most MKVs but does not display the picture on a few. After much research I have discovered the solution.  Someone made a fix for WD media players and it works perfectly on the LT-V100 as well.


I wanted an easy way to quickly fix multiple mkv files so they would work on my LT-V100 LinkTheater. This solution works on every mkv in a folder and subfolders. All of the work is not mine, i had problems getting the original batch files i found to work so i just fixed, modified, cut and pasted into new ones which worked for me.

Firstly from the matroska website is a tool called mkclean. in this download zip is another tool mkWDclean.exe

Make a folder and put mkWDclean.exe in it then create a batch file in the same folder and paste and copy the code below into it. (repair.bat for example)


FOR /F "delims=*" %%A IN ('dir /b /s *.mkv') DO CALL:WDTVFIX "%%A"START "" logging.txtGOTO :eof:WDTVFIXmkWDclean --optimize %~dpnx1 %~dpn1_fixed.mkvif not errorlevel 0 (ECHO Failed on %~nx1 remux! >> logging.txtgoto :eof)ECHO OFFREM remove the REM's below to delete original filesREM if exist "%~dpn1_fixed.mkv" (REM del "%~dpnx1")ECHO Processing of %~nx1 successful! >> logging.txtgoto :eof


Save the batch file and double click to run it. (if you should want to stop it part way through the keyboard shortcut is Ctl-C)

What it does is for every file *.mkv it finds it runs it through mkWDclean and saves the output as *_fixed.mkv
it does not delete the original files unless you remove the REM from the bottom so it reads:


FOR /F "delims=*" %%A IN ('dir /b /s *.mkv') DO CALL:WDTVFIX "%%A"START "" logging.txtGOTO :eof:WDTVFIXmkWDclean --optimize %~dpnx1 %~dpn1_fixed.mkvif not errorlevel 0 (ECHO Failed on %~nx1 remux! >> logging.txtgoto :eof)ECHO OFFREM remove the REM's below to delete original filesif exist "%~dpn1_fixed.mkv" (del "%~dpnx1"ECHO Processing of %~nx1 successful! >> logging.txtgoto :eof


This solution works perfectly and all MKVs will now play on your LT-V100 LinkTheater.




Dirk Gardner


  • Calf
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  • Posts: 1
Re: Buffalo LT-V100 Link Theatre Fix MKVs that do not display picture
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 05:13:53 AM »

Hi I am having a similar issue with my LT-V100 device...


I am able to play any .mkv files which are less then 2gb size but ... anything above 2 gb it only gives  audio and NO VIDEO ?  any help ?


FYI.. all the .mkv files are stored in a pen drive and as a basic troubleshooting I tried to format the pen drive with both formats FAT32 as well as NTFS  but no luck...


Is  LT-V100 have a capability to play any file of more then 2 GB size ?